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Invisalign – Barnegat

Straighten Your Smile Without Metal Brackets & Wires

There are many teens and adults out there who are unhappy with the alignment of their teeth, but the idea of wearing metal brackets and wires on their teeth for a year or two doesn’t sound very appealing. Fortunately, metal braces aren’t the only option. Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to slowly shift the teeth into alignment. The best part is – they are nearly invisible! To learn more about Invisalign or to schedule a consultation, don’t hesitate to give us a call.

Why Choose Nu Dental Barnegat for Invisalign?

How Invisalign Works

man getting invisalign

Instead of using metal brackets and wires to straighten your teeth, Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to slowly shift your teeth into their new places. You will wear each set for approximately two weeks before moving on to the next one. As time goes on, your teeth will gradually move to their aligned locations. Unlike traditional braces, you won’t need to have anything tightened throughout the treatment process, but you will still need to attend occasional appointments to make sure that your treatment is going as planned.

Who Invisalign Can Help

teenage girl holding invisalign

Invisalign is able to address many different types of misalignment issues. Here are some of the most common ones that we encounter.

Crowded Teeth

For teeth that have become crowded and overlap, Invisalign is a great option. The clear aligners will gently apply pressure to different parts of the teeth to shift them into a more aligned position. This helps to prevent dental issues from developing in the future, like cavities and gum disease.

Gaps Between Teeth

When teeth are too far apart, gaps become present. In addition to taking away from the appearance of teeth, gaps also put you at higher risk for oral health issues and tooth damage since food debris and plaque become easily trapped and difficult to remove. Invisalign can move your teeth to be the perfect distance apart.

Bite Alignment

If your bite is misaligned, you can develop issues, like temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD) and bruxism (teeth clenching and grinding). Invisalign is effective at fixing overbites, underbites, crossbites, and more.

The Benefits of Invisalign

woman holding invisalign

Invisalign provides a wide array of benefits. Here are some that you can expect to experience:

Understanding the Cost of Invisalign

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Invisalign is one of our most popular orthodontics options at NU Dental Barnegat, known for its convenience and discreet appearance. However, when you’re about to invest in something as serious as straightening your smile, it’s only natural to want to know all the financial particulars up-front. So, we’re here to help! To learn more about the cost of Invisalign, read more below. If you think these clear aligners might be a great fit, call us to schedule your consultation.

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Factors that Affect the Cost of Invisalign

Invisalign patient in Barnegat Township talking to dentist

Several factors can ultimately influence the cost of your Invisalign treatment. A big one is the severity of your alignment issues. The more complex your case, the longer your required treatment and the more aligners you’ll need. This is especially true if both your upper and lower arch need alignment.

In addition to the complexity and duration, pre and post procedures like extractions and retainers are a critical component in the cost of your plan. Preparatory work will add to the overall cost while your compliance with wearing your aligners and retainer will ensure that you see results that last a lifetime.

Invisalign vs. Mail-In Aligners: Which Costs More?

Invisalign patient in Barnegat Township with aligners

When comparing Invisalign to mail-in aligners, the cost difference can be significant, but so can the quality and safety of treatment. Invisalign typically costs more, ranging from $3,000 to $8,000, depending on the factors mentioned above. Mail-in aligners, on the other hand, usually cost between $1,800 and $2,500 depending on your payment plan and interest rate (if applicable).

However, Invisalign at NU Dental Barnegat offers the advantage of in-person supervision. Dr. Gizachew is a qualified dentist, ensuring that your treatment is done correctly, and any issues are addressed quickly. Mail-in aligners simply do not have this professional oversight.

You’ll often need to make impressions of your teeth on your own and rely on an orthodontist who isn’t as invested in your care. Combined, these issues can lead to poor results or even complications that our team will need to correct. Investing in Invisalign means you’re paying for a higher level of care, expertise, and quality.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Invisalign?

Invisalign patient in Barnegat Township looking at dental insurance

Dental insurance can cover a portion of Invisalign treatment, but it’s rare to find a plan that has orthodontic benefits. Coverage can vary significantly between providers, with some policies covering up to 50% of the treatment cost. It’s important to check with your insurance provider to understand your specific coverage before your treatment begins. If you need help with the details, our team is happy to assist you! We can verify your insurance details and help you maximize your benefits!

Options for Making Invisalign Affordable

Invisalign patient in Barnegat Township talking to dentist

We understand that not every patient has the means to straighten their smile the way they’d like. That’s why our team is dedicated to offering ways to make Invisalign more affordable. For example, with CareCredit financing, you can split the cost of your aligners into manageable monthly payments.

Our in-house membership plan can also provide discounts on treatments, including Invisalign. Be sure to visit our special offers page to see if any of our ongoing promotions could reduce the overall cost. Our team is committed to helping you find a payment solution that fits your budget while ensuring you receive the highest-quality care.

Invisalign FAQs

Does Invisalign Give You a Lisp?

If you have been hesitant to move forward with Invisalign because you’re worried that the clear aligners will give you a lisp, you don’t have anything to worry about! There are a few reasons for this. The first is that the large majority of patients don’t report any changes to their speaking patterns. The second is that – if you do notice a change – you can have peace of mind knowing that it’s only temporary. The third is that the aligners are removable, so you can always take them out if absolutely necessary.

Tip: If you feel like you sound slightly different, then try the age-old advice: practice, practice, practice. That could look like reading a book out loud or having a long conversation with a trusted friend. Before you know it, your tongue will be accustomed to the presence of your aligners.

How Long Does Invisalign Take?

On average, Invisalign treatment timelines are 12-18 months. If you’re looking for an estimate of the length of your treatment plan, however, you’ll need to schedule a consultation with Dr. G. That way, he can learn about factors unique to your case, including what orthodontic problems are present and how severe they are. With this information in mind, he can provide you with an estimate. He will also share some common mistakes patients make and tips he has learned throughout the years in an effort to help you stay on-track with your treatment plan.

What Does Invisalign Look Like?

Invisalign clear aligners are crafted from impressions of your teeth, and they are comprised of low-profile, high-quality, and smooth plastic. As a result, they basically look like molds of your upper and lower teeth! Of course, yours might look a bit different than someone else’s based on your unique treatment plan, like if you have attachments.

Does Invisalign Hurt?

It’s very common for patients to be concerned that the process of straightening their teeth will hurt. However, Invisalign is completely metal-free, and the aligners are crafted from smooth plastic in an effort to not irritate the soft tissue in your mouth. So, while some soreness or pressure from time to time is to be expected, the overall consensus is that Invisalign does not hurt.

Tip: Are you feeling some discomfort from the movement of your teeth? Try sipping on cold water and taking OTC pain medication as directed. You should also eat soft foods, like plain yogurt and oatmeal, instead of crunchy ones.

What Happens After Invisalign?

After we get your teeth into their perfectly aligned positions, our focus shifts to helping them stay there! We accomplish this with a retainer (don’t worry – we can have one made that’s just as discreet as your aligners were). It’s of the utmost importance that you wear it as instructed. If you don’t, then your teeth may begin to drift back into their previously misaligned positions, which is a phenomenon known as “orthodontic relapse.”

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