Traditional dentures are a life-changing tooth replacement option for people who have suffered from tooth loss. However, they do have some downsides. Traditional dentures can slip out of place and lead to some embarrassing moments if you aren’t careful. Fortunately, with implant dentures, we can restore your smile without the cons that traditional dentures come with. When paired with dental implants, dentures can offer optimal functionality, comfort, and longevity! To find out if implant dentures are right for you, give us a call to schedule a consultation.
Traditional dentures rely on the natural shape and suction of the mouth to stay in place. However, implant dentures work differently. They are held in place by small, screwlike posts that have been surgically inserted into the jawbone. This helps to ensure that your new teeth are anchored to your mouth at all times. There are two different types of implant dentures. After considering your unique needs, we can determine which of the following is the best option for you.
Fixed implant dentures are designed to stay in place at all times and can only be removed by a dentist. Generally, four to six strategically placed and positioned dental implants in the jawbone can support a permanent denture. This is preferred by some patients because it feels more natural. However, to get this type of denture, you must have sufficient jawbone density.
Removable implant dentures, or “snap-on” dentures are also held in place using dental implants. However, they use clips or ball sockets to attach to the implants. This way, patients are able to remove their dentures as needed. This type of implant denture needs to be removed daily for cleaning and they only require two to five dental implants to be successful.
During your initial consultation, we will determine if you make a good candidate for dental implants and create a treatment plan according to your needs. In some cases, preparatory procedures are required before you can get dental implants to increase your likelihood of success.
We will surgically insert the dental implant into your jawbone. After the procedure, your implants will fuse to the surrounding bone tissue in a process called “osseointegration.” This can take up to six months. At this point. We will place metal connectors called “abutments” on them. We will design your final denture according to your needs and use the abutments to attach it into place.
Most adults who are in good oral and overall health are good candidates. During your consultation with us, we will review your specific needs and goals as well as explain your options. To be a good candidate, you must:
Dental implants can offer a vast list of unique benefits that distinguish them from traditional restorative options, making them the golden standard for replacing missing teeth. Not only will they effectively rebuild your smile, but you can be sure to enjoy a variety of advantages for many years to come. Here are some of the benefits of dental implants that you can expect to appreciate!